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Freedom Ranger
These fantastic chicks grow 5 to 6 pounds in only 10 weeks. They are in very high demand with organic and free-range growers for their outstanding leg strength and vigor. Great alternative to fast-growing white broiler chicks and slow-growing heritage breeds. These active, robust chickens are suitable for free-ranging, foraging, and pasturing. Freedom Ranger chickens produce tender, succulent meat with high levels of omega 3 fats and low levels of saturated fat.
Regular price $3.65/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $3.65/ea -
One of the most remarkable meat birds we have ever seen. Some have weights of 8lbs in eight weeks. Special white Cornish males are mated with white rock females producing chicks with hybrid vigor and superb qualities of both parents. Expect broad breasts, big thighs, fast feathering, white plumage, and yellow skin. These Cornish have fantastic growth and remarkable feed efficiency.
Regular price From $3.65/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $3.65/ea -
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Golden Red
Our Golden Reds lay up to 300 eggs a year reaching 95% productivity or better. Eggs are large brown that have excellent color, shape, shell texture and strength. The pullets are golden red with white in neck, wings, and tail. Cockerels are mostly white with red in neck, wings, and tail. Being a small-bodied bird, it consumes less feed but produces more eggs. Extremely cold hearty the Golden Red can lay year-round anywhere in the country. Pullets start laying around 16-18 weeks and peak at 26 weeks.
Regular price From $3.33/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $2.60/eaSold out -
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This is the same bird commercial egg producers use. Excellent layers of large white eggs. Hens lay starting at 19 weeks, laying up to 330 eggs a year. Very easy to manage. Beautiful white color. Superior shell strength, egg size and feed efficiency. They are truly outstanding birds.
Regular price From $3.33/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $2.35/eaSold out -
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Rhode Island Red
Our Rhode Island Reds are one of the most famous of all time popular breeds of truly American chickens. A great dual-purpose bird with outstanding production and qualities. No other strain of Rhode Island Reds will lay more or better-quality brown eggs. Rhode Island Reds are docile, excellent free-rangers, and resistant to disease. A very beautiful breed of chicken.
Regular price From $3.33/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $1.75/eaSold out -
Broad White Turkeys
For those of you looking to raise and sell turkeys this one is for you. The white feathers make for a beautiful bird with unblemished skin. This robust turkey will grow great indoors or outside. The breast size on these birds is outstanding. Excellent feed conversion. Highly disease resistant. No better meat turkey anywhere. Fun to watch strutting their white plumage around your farm.
Regular price $8.60/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $6.70/ea -
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French Guineas
Guineas are very tasty meat bird when fried or prepared like a pheasant. They are also commonly used for bug and rodent control. These French Guineas grow twice as fast as other varieties reaching 4 pounds in 12 weeks. These birds can also protect your property and will alert you to predators.
Regular price $6.33/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $3.80/eaSold out -
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White Silkies
These chickens are adorable in appearance with their fluffy hair like plumage and mulberry colored comb, face, and wattles. They are wonderful setters of all egg types. An old Chinese breed that has black skin and bones. This friendly foul is amusing with the sweetest most adorable temperament.
Regular price $6.53/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $3.10/eaSold out -
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Barred Plymouth Rocks
Plymouth Rocks are a hardy, old time, dual-purpose breed with a friendly, even temperament. These birds are physically large with meaty bodies, and hens are quite good layers.
Regular price From $3.33/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $2.5/eaSold out -
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Also known as 'Easter Eggers' because of the variety of colors they lay. They come in many different colors and sizes and have a good disposition. Many of these birds have muffs or beards and all have full tails. They are a great backyard bird but not recommended for showing.
Regular price From $6.10/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $3.40/eaSold out -
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Black Sex Link
Black Sex Links are a barnyard staple. This breed is very much dual-purpose. Roosters carry a heavy body while hens are great egg producers. Females are solid black with reddish cast in the face, neck, and chest. Roosters resemble a Barred Rock.Regular price From $5.55/eaRegular priceUnit price / perFrom $3.10/eaSold out